Please contact me if you have any questions or want to buy a whistle!
Gunnar Stenmark
Domarvägen 23
S-836 94 Ås
Phone: +46 (0)70 268 80 88
Härjedalspipa (traditional quarter-tone tuning)
C-short 2000:-
Aiss (original) 2500:-
A (most popular HP) 2750:-
G 2900:-
E-low 3200:-
D-low 3450:-
C-low 3800:-
Offerdalspipa (Major scale)
C-short 2000:-
Aiss (original) 2500:-
A (most popular OP) 2750:-
G 2900:-
E-low 3200:-
D-low 3450:-
C-low 3800:-
Bjårskpipa (traditional quarter-tone tuning)
G (orginal) 2750:-
A 3000:-
Månmarkapipa (quarter-tone tuning, 7 finger holes)
D-short 2200:-
A (most popular MM) 2750:-
G 2900:-
A (tunable) 3300:-
G (tunable) 3450:-
Åspipa (Major scale)
E-short 1900:-
D-short 2000:-
C-short 2100:-
F-short 1500:-
A 2750:-
G (most popular) 2900:-
F-low 3000:-
E-low 3200:-
D-low 3450:-
C-low 3800:-
A-low (the lowest and longest whistle) 4000:-
Stenlundapipa (double whistle)
C-short 4450:-
A 5100:-
G 5100:-
D-low 6300:-
All prices are Swedish currency (SEK). For special orders or questions, please send me an email.